Remesh - Easy Cleanup and Stylization

Often when I'm working with fluid simulation or atomic blender I end up with situations where I'd like to do some cleanup for one reason or another. If I want to use a splash in a fluid simulation and combine it with a simple plane to get a thin film or if I'm working with atomic Blender and don't want cylinders for bonds sitting inside atoms then I will reach for the greatest of all Blender modifiers for cleaning up gross geometry - namely, the remesh modifier.


Remeshing will remove overlapping internal geometry and will allow you to combine different shapes as base layers that are then perfect for sculpting. As an added bonus the modifier can also be manipulated to create different stylistic effects. For instance, the block remesh gives very usable “out of the box” pixelation. The only real downside I encounter right now is that the modifier doesn't preserve materials data so if you try to remesh objects with different materials you're only getting one after the modifier is applied. It also makes selection of individual elements a bit challenging so always duplicate the thing you want to remesh before you try this out.


As an extra warning, remesh is a modifier that can challenge even capable computers, so be prepared to see the faded Blender "will it/won't it crash?" screen for awhile if you try applying it to a larger model.

In the image that accompanies this entry I ticked the box for “freestyle” in the render settings to add the “drawn borders” effect, for anyone who was wondering. I used the default settings.


Atomic Geometry - Importing CSV to Geonodes

