
A Scientific Asset Library Like No Other

The CGFigures Asset Library

The library is a collection of free, public domain resources for scientific visualization. It is designed to be used with Blender’s asset browser.

From specialized models to useful tools and quick scene setups it’s a growing collection of everything you need to start making beautiful and effective figures. Check it out here.

*If you would like to support the library by purchasing it you can find it on gumroad or blendermarket for 10 USD. Both the free and paid versions are identical. The free version exists as part of CGFigures’ commitment to making research accessible to everyone.

If you would like to acknowledge the library in published work I greatly appreciate that. Please let me know if you do and I will be happy to promote your publication on this website if you would like.

A suggested acknowledgment: "This work makes use of public domain resources available in the CGFigures Asset Library created by Dr. J. G. Manion"